In Strange Brew (1983), Canada's beloved, beer-loving siblings Bob and Doug McKenzie find themselves hilariously embroiled in a misadventure at the Elsinore Brewery. After landing jobs at the brewery, the hapless duo uncovers a suspicious and nefarious plot brewing within the company. As they navigate the strange and comical world of the brewery, Bob and Doug must use their unconventional methods and quick wit to uncover the truth while enjoying plenty of cold brews along the way.
Through their laid-back and unique mannerisms, Bob and Doug McKenzie bring a mixture of charm and chaos to the screen, creating a memorable and entertaining experience for viewers. As they stumble through their investigation, the brothers encounter a quirky cast of characters that add to the humor and absurdity of their journey.
Full of laughs, quotable lines, and classic Canadian humor, Strange Brew is a must-watch comedy for fans of the McKenzie brothers and those looking for a lighthearted and entertaining movie experience. Join Bob and Doug McKenzie as they navigate the wild world of the Elsinore Brewery in this iconic cult classic.
Also Known As:
Strange BrewRelease Date:
26 Aug 1983Writers:
Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, Steve De JarnattAwards:
1 win