Lennart Jähkel
A year in the life of a normal family in Stockholm, as told from the perspective of 19-year old Joel.
Category: Comedy, Drama, romance, Romantic
Stars: Catherine Hansson, Lennart Jähkel, Erik Johansson
After 34 years of hard work, Leif comes home after another day at work. What has long been his safe everyday life is today something different. For one or more reasons, the situation becomes untenable and the film moves away to th...
Category: Comedy, Drama, Short
Stars: Lennart Jähkel, Ia Langhammer
This series contains six different stories. Each story is based upon a book written by Åke Edwardsson. The first story, "Dance with an Angel," begins when a man is found dead, murdered in a hotel room in London. Shortly afterward, a similar murder is committed in Gothenburg, where Erik Winter is working. It seems like a macabre dance has been performed in the room where the killings have been committed.
Category: Crime, Thriller
Stars: Johan Gry, Krister Henriksson, Lennart Jähkel
Systrarna Lina och Petra är varandras motsatser och bråken blir emellanåt stormiga, men de är experter på blixtsnabb konfliktlösning. När pappa Kenneth får en Alzheimer-diagnos ställs allas liv på ända. Något måste göras. Men Lina och Petra är förstås helt oense om vad.
Category: Comedy, Drama, Drama, Comedy
Stars: Lennart Jähkel, Michaela Thorsén, Ulrika Nilsson
Three middle aged brothers are still living home in a Godforsaken rural skiing resort in the northernmost part of Sweden.
Category: Comedy, Drama
Stars: Lennart Jähkel, Jacob Nordenson, Tomas Norström
Four people living together in an apartment can give rise to a lot of funny situations, especially if they are as different as these four: Fredrik is the nominal apartment owner, a bit superior to the others, currently "between two jobs". His girlfriend Cilla would prefer that they lived there alone, without Fredrik's crude brother Jan-Olof or the young cab driver Anton.
Category: Comedy
Stars: Johan Ulveson, Lennart Jähkel, Sussie Ericsson
A Stockholm cop moves back home to his brother near Norway and Finland. He investigates out of control deer poaching. He confiscates rifles with no permits. Everybody, even his brother and local cops, are against him. Things escalate.
Category: Crime, Thriller
Stars: Rolf Lassgård, Lennart Jähkel, Jarmo Mäkinen