Jonas Armstrong
The lives of two sisters, Theresa, and her older head teacher sibling, Helen, and a missing child.
Category: Thriller
Stars: Jonas Armstrong, Jim Howick, Anna Maxwell Martin
Since losing her son eight years ago, Jodie has been rebuilding her life but when she catches sight of Daniel, she is convinced she has found her missing son.
Category: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Stars: Jill Halfpenny, Jonas Armstrong, Cody Molko
A young man, separated from his family in WWII, disguises himself as a Nazi SS Officer and uncovers more than just his family whereabouts.
Category: Action, Drama, History
Stars: Jonas Armstrong, Ben Kingsley, Hannah Tointon
Retells the story of the 10 year siege of Troy, which occurred in the 12 or 13th century BC.
Category: Action, History, War
Stars: Louis Hunter, Christiaan Schoombie, Jonas Armstrong