Jôji Yanami
Kaze no tani no Naushika
An animated fantasy-adventure. Set 1,000 years from now, the earth is ravaged by pollution and war. In the Valley of the Wind lives Nausicaa, princess of her people. Their land borders on a toxic jungle, filled with dangerous over-sized insects. Meanwhile two nearby nations are bitterly engaged in a war and the Valley of the Wind is stuck in the middle...
Category: Action, Adventure, Animation, Kids
Stars: Sumi Shimamoto,Mahito Tsujimura,Hisako Kyôda,Gorô Naya,Ichirô Nagai,Kôhei Miyauchi,Jôji Yanami,Minoru Yada,Rihoko Yoshida,Masako Sugaya,Takako Sasuga,Chika Sakamoto,Tarako,Yôji Matsuda,Mîna Tominaga
8.2 IMDB Rating 4,686 Views