Guy Lecluyse
In the underbelly of the Parisian criminal world, the Police are frustrated by a gang committing a series of violent robberies. Leo Vrinks and Denis Klein are two cops seeking promotion, and the imminent departure of the Chief sets the scene for them to compete for the vacant throne. The competition between them becomes increasingly ruthless and blurs the usual lines of morality, until there seems no difference between the police and the criminals they chase. Vrinks, meeting with a source, becomes involved with a murder. Klein seizes the opportunity to up the ante and arranges for the arrest of Vrinks, but when he goes further and viciously involves Vrinks' wife, Camille, revenge is inevitable.
Category: Action, Crime, Drama
Stars: Daniel Auteuil,Gérard Depardieu,André Dussollier,Roschdy Zem,Valeria Golino,Daniel Duval,Francis Renaud,Catherine Marchal,Guy Lecluyse,Alain Figlarz,Vincent Moscato,Anne Consigny,Stéphane Metzger,Solène Biasch,Aurore Auteuil
In Marseilles, the discredited and alcoholic Detective Schneider hijacks a bus and forces the bus driver with a gun to drive him home. He is arrested by the swat force and his washed up career in the police department practically ends. Schneider is removed from the investigation of a serial-killer that is committing hideous crimes against women and assigned to a bureaucratic work in the night-shift in the precinct. Through glimpses from his recollections, Schneider recalls the tragic accident that killed his daughter and left his wife attached to a life support system. Meanwhile, the sick criminal Charles Subra, who killed the parents of two girls many years ago, convinces the probation committee in the prison that he has found God and is regenerated and may be released. Justine, one of the daughters that survived, has never overcome the trauma of her loss and is worried with the possibility of the freedom of the criminal. When Schneider discovers the identity of the serial-killer, he finds also the corruption in the high command of the police, and he decides to go to his last mission on Earth in his descent to Hell.
Category: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Stars: Daniel Auteuil,Olivia Bonamy,Catherine Marchal,Francis Renaud,Gérald Laroche,Guy Lecluyse,Philippe Nahon,Clément Michu,Moussa Maaskri,Christian Mazucchini,Louise Monot,Maxim Nucci,Christine Chansou,Mireille Viti,Camille Ramos