Starry Eyes is a thrilling horror movie that follows the journey of an aspiring actress in Hollywood named Sarah. Struggling to make it in the ruthless industry, Sarah is desperate for her big break. When she stumbles upon a mysterious opportunity, she becomes entangled in a series of dark secrets that surround the entertainment elite.
The film explores the ominous origins of Hollywood's elite, revealing a hidden darkness lurking beneath the glitz and glamour. Sarah uncovers a deadly pact that promises fame and fortune, but at a horrifying cost.
As the story unfolds, Sarah's desperation and ambition lead her down a path of sacrifice and transformation. She faces intense physical and psychological trials as she struggles to achieve her dreams. With each sacrifice, she becomes closer to her goal of success, but also closer to the depths of evil.
Starry Eyes offers a unique and unsettling portrayal of the entertainment industry, highlighting the price one may have to pay for fame. It delves into themes of sacrifice, ambition, and the corrupting power of celebrity. This gripping horror film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, with its ominous atmosphere and shocking revelations.
With its thought-provoking storyline and chilling performances, Starry Eyes is a must-watch for fans of psychological horror. Prepare to be captivated and disturbed as you experience the haunting journey of Sarah in her pursuit of stardom.
Also Known As:
Starry EyesRelease Date:
14 Nov 2014Writers:
Kevin Kölsch, Dennis WidmyerAwards:
7 wins & 18 nominations