Stained (2019) is a thrilling and chilling modern adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth, set in the fictional town of Scotland, CA. The film follows the lives of John and Jane Macbeth, a couple dissatisfied with the mediocrity of their mundane existence. Determined to achieve the American dream, they embark on a dangerous and horrifying plan that will change their lives forever.
With riveting performances and a unique twist on the original Shakespearean tale, Stained delves into the depths of ambition, greed, and the corrupting nature of power. As John and Jane plot their ruthless climb to success, they become entangled in a web of lies, deceit, and violence that threatens to consume them entirely.
The film expertly captures the dark and unsettling atmosphere of the original play, while injecting it with a modern flair. The juxtaposition of the familiar elements of Shakespeare's tragedy with the contemporary setting of small-town America adds a refreshing and unexpected dimension to the story.
Stained is a gripping and thought-provoking film that explores the complexities of human nature and the lengths people are willing to go to fulfill their desires. With its superb storytelling and captivating visuals, it is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.