Staged is a captivating and timely comedy series featuring renowned actors David Tennant and Michael Sheen. Set in the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, the story revolves around two actors whose eagerly anticipated West End play is abruptly halted due to the global crisis. Determined to maintain their creative momentum, the actors, under the persuasive guidance of their director, agree to continue rehearsing their roles online.
As the series unfolds, viewers are invited into the quirky and humor-filled world of these two talented actors as they navigate the challenges of rehearsing remotely. The show cleverly incorporates video calls, self-tapes, and online meetings to portray the actors' hilarious and often tumultuous experiences. From their amusing attempts to master virtual rehearsals to their candid discussions about life, human connection, and the uncertainty of the future, this series offers an insightful and humorous take on the artistic process during unprecedented times.
With each episode presenting a unique and engaging blend of humor, authenticity, and self-reflection, Staged showcases the brilliant chemistry between Tennant and Sheen, both on and off the stage. This innovative series not only showcases the resilience and adaptability of the creative industry but also delves into the often-forgotten realm of the actors' personal lives, offering a heartwarming and relatable glimpse into their friendships, families, and vulnerabilities.
Perfectly capturing the spirit of the times, Staged is a must-watch for anyone seeking laughter, reflection, and a behind-the-scenes look at the world of acting in the age of Covid-19.
Also Known As:
StagedRelease Date:
01 Jun 2020