Welcome to Stage Fright (2014)! This thrilling horror-comedy film takes place at a prestigious musical theater camp, where a group of talented and ambitious young performers gather to perfect their craft. However, their dreams turn into a nightmare when a ruthless killer begins targeting them, with a peculiar motive - a deep-rooted hatred for musical theater.
This camp is a hotbed of drama, both on and off the stage, as the campers compete fiercely for the lead role in a highly anticipated production. As tensions rise and the pressure mounts, a blood-thirsty murderer terrorizes the camp, leaving everyone on edge and suspects aplenty. Faced with a relentless and mysterious killer, the campers must put their skills to the test to survive.
Stage Fright (2014) combines the thrill of a horror flick with the humor of a comedy, creating a unique and entertaining viewing experience. Directed by Jerome Sable, this film offers a fresh take on the slasher genre, with a twist that will keep you guessing until the shocking conclusion.
Featuring catchy musical numbers alongside gruesome kills, Stage Fright (2014) is a must-watch for fans of both horror and musicals. So, sit back, grab your popcorn, and prepare for a suspenseful and thrilling ride through the twisted world of this musical theater camp.