In the gripping sci-fi thriller Sputnik (2020), audiences are thrust into an intriguing story of survival and mystery. The film centers around the aftermath of an unexplained spaceship incident, where the protagonist becomes the lone survivor. However, it becomes clear that he is not alone, as a dangerous creature has taken residence inside his body.
As the events unfold, tensions rise as the creature's presence becomes more alarming and unpredictable. The team of scientists and experts responsible for the survivor's care are forced to confront the moral dilemmas surrounding the situation. Do they prioritize the safety of humanity even if it means sacrificing the survivor? Or is there a way to separate the creature from its host without causing harm?
Sputnik skillfully balances the horror and suspense elements with complex character development and thematic exploration. The film delves into the ethical implications of scientific advancement and the lengths some are willing to go to protect the greater good. With a talented cast and stunning visuals, Sputnik keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they ponder the terrifying possibilities that lie within the vast universe.
Also Known As:
SputnikRelease Date:
24 Jul 2020Writers:
Oleg Malovichko, Andrei ZolotarevAwards:
1 nomination.