Special is a semi-autobiographical comedy series that follows the life of Ryan, a gay man in his mid-20s with cerebral palsy. The show explores Ryan's journey as he starts his first real job, enters the world of dating, and moves into his first apartment, away from his overprotective mother.
Ryan's cerebral palsy is portrayed in a refreshing and honest way, highlighting both the challenges and triumphs he faces on a daily basis. The series showcases his determination to live life on his own terms and his pursuit of independence.
As Ryan embarks on his new job, he encounters a range of quirky and memorable characters who become a part of his support system. Along the way, he explores the complexities of finding love and navigating relationships, which leads to some delightful and humorous situations.
Special addresses important themes such as self-acceptance, identity, and the power of embracing our differences. It shows the audience that everyone deserves to be seen, heard, and loved for who they are.
With its authentic portrayal of disability, heartwarming moments, and sharp humor, Special is a thought-provoking series that challenges societal norms and celebrates individuality.