In this thrilling gothic horror film, Sleepy Hollow, Ichabod Crane, an eccentric detective from New York City, is tasked with solving a series of gruesome decapitations in the small, mysterious village of Sleepy Hollow. The inhabitants of the town believe that the culprit is the infamous Headless Horseman, a terrifying specter who haunts the area.
As Ichabod begins his investigation, he encounters a community steeped in superstition and fear. He is immediately captivated by Katrina Van Tassel, a beautiful young woman who holds the key to the village's dark secrets. Determined to uncover the truth behind the brutal killings, Ichabod delves into Sleepy Hollow's disturbing history and finds himself embroiled in a web of witchcraft, betrayal, and revenge.
Directed by visionary filmmaker Tim Burton, Sleepy Hollow masterfully blends elements of horror, mystery, and period drama to create a rich and atmospheric world. With stunning cinematography and captivating performances from a star-studded cast including Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, and Christopher Walken, this film will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the heart-pounding conclusion.
Prepare to be transported to a chilling world of dark enchantment and supernatural terror as Ichabod Crane battles not only the Headless Horseman but also his own inner demons. Sleepy Hollow is a thrilling and visually stunning journey into a realm where myth and reality collide.
Also Known As:
Sleepy HollowRelease Date:
19 Nov 1999Writers:
Washington Irving, Kevin Yagher, Andrew Kevin WalkerAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. 28 wins & 44 nominations total