Skylines (2020) is an action-packed sci-fi film that follows Captain Rose Corley and her team of elite mercenaries on a daring mission to save humanity. Set in a world where friendly alien hybrids now dwell on Earth, a deadly virus threatens to turn them against humans. In order to prevent this catastrophe, Captain Corley must lead her team on a dangerous journey to the alien world.
As tensions rise and time runs out, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with thrilling action sequences and stunning visuals. Skylines delivers the perfect balance of heart-pounding suspense and awe-inspiring sci-fi elements.
Directed by Liam O'Donnell, this installment serves as the third entry in the popular Skyline franchise. It features a talented cast including Lindsey Morgan as Captain Rose Corley, Rhona Mitra as Dr. Mal, and James Cosmo as Grant. The film showcases their incredible chemistry and strong performances.
Skylines offers a fresh take on the alien invasion genre, combining heart-pounding action with deeper themes of unity and survival. With its gripping storyline and impressive visuals, this film is a must-watch for fans of sci-fi and action genres alike.
Join Captain Rose Corley and her team as they risk it all to save humanity in Skylines.
Also Known As:
SkylinesRelease Date:
18 Dec 2020Writers:
Matthew E. Chausse (story by), Joshua Cordes (characters created by), Liam O'Donnell (story by), Liam O'Donnell