In the enchanting city of Paris in 1910, a charming and shy movie projectionist named Emile and a vibrant inventor named Raoul embark on an extraordinary adventure. Together, they find themselves on a mission to track down a terrifying monster that has been causing havoc and fear among the citizens.
As the duo delves deeper into their hunt, they join forces with Lucille, the kind-hearted star of the Rare Bird cabaret, an eccentric scientist, and his mischievous monkey. The unlikely team must come together to save the misunderstood monster from the clutches of the city's power-hungry police chief.
Little do they know, the monster they encounter is not what it seems. It turns out to be an oversized but harmless flea, whose only desires are to be loved and appreciated. With their hearts filled with compassion and empathy, Emile, Raoul, Lucille, the scientist, and the monkey, all work tirelessly to protect the innocent creature from those who seek to harm it.
In this captivating animated film, Skönheten och monstret i Paris (2011), viewers will be enchanted by a heartwarming tale of friendship, unity, and acceptance. With stunning visuals and a delightful blend of comedy, romance, and adventure, this film will transport audiences to a world teeming with magic, where true beauty is found in unexpected places.