In the near future, the film Skönheten (2021) explores a world where cosmetic surgery has become a societal expectation. The protagonist, Esme, is on the brink of undergoing her first surgical procedure, but she is plagued by doubts stemming from her AI's historical references. As her AI provides her with insights and perspectives on the consequences of altering one's appearance, Esme is forced to confront the implications of conforming to society's beauty standards.
Skönheten delves into themes of identity, societal pressures, and the consequences of striving for perfection through cosmetic enhancements. Esme's internal struggle reflects a larger commentary on the ways in which technology and societal norms can shape our perceptions of beauty and self-worth.
With a mesmerizing narrative and thought-provoking themes, Skönheten challenges viewers to question the boundaries between beauty and artificiality in a world where cosmetic surgery has become commonplace. Discover the complexities of self-acceptance and individuality in this captivating film that will leave you questioning the true meaning of beauty.
Also Known As:
SkönhetenRelease Date:
30 Jan 2021Writers:
Emma Broström, Beata Gårdeler