In the animated short film Sing: Thriller (2024), a group of theater performers puts on a lively rendition of Michael Jackson's iconic song Thriller at a Halloween party. The show takes a surprising turn when the audience members experience a mysterious transformation after coming into contact with a strange substance. What was intended to be a fun and entertaining performance quickly becomes a chaotic and unpredictable event as the partygoers morph into unexpected zombie dancers.
As the night progresses, the troupe must navigate through the chaos and try to understand the origins of the mysterious ooze that caused the unpredictable transformation. With catchy music and vibrant animation, Sing: Thriller (2024) delivers a thrilling and engaging story that explores themes of creativity, friendship, and the unexpected consequences of experimentation. Join the characters on a wild and entertaining adventure filled with twists and turns in this innovative and imaginative short film.
Also Known As:
Sing: ThrillerRelease Date:
16 Oct 2024Writers:
Garth Jennings