Shorts (2009) is a whimsical family adventure that takes place in the suburban town of Black Falls. The story revolves around a young boy who discovers a magical rock that has the power to grant wishes. This colorful rock, known as the Rainbow Rock, brings chaos to the town, as both children and adults become desperate to possess it.
As word spreads about the Rainbow Rock, jealousy infects the hearts of the kids in Black Falls. They start competing against each other, hoping to use the rock to fulfill their wildest dreams. Meanwhile, the adults in the town, including greedy businessmen and the boy's power-hungry parents, also catch wind of the rock's enchanting abilities. They plot to steal it for their own selfish gain.
Throughout the film, the town is thrown into a whirlwind of hilarious and unpredictable situations. These include a wishing-infused strange flu, a booger monster, and tiny aliens with a longing for giant hamburgers. It is in the face of this chaos that the boy and his friends must learn about the true power and consequences of their wishes.
Shorts blends elements of adventure, comedy, and fantasy to create a lighthearted and exciting film that will entertain audiences of all ages. With its vibrant visuals, captivating storyline, and relatable characters, Shorts is a must-watch for anyone looking for a delightful family movie night.
Also Known As:
ShortsRelease Date:
21 Aug 2009Writers:
Robert Rodriguez, Álvaro Rodríguez, Víctor UgaldeAwards:
2 wins & 1 nomination