In Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015), Shaun, a clever and mischievous sheep, grows tired of the mundane routine at the farm and decides to take a well-deserved day off. To accomplish this, he must ensure that their clueless farmer remains oblivious to their shenanigans. However, their day of relaxation takes an unexpected turn when they find themselves lost in the bustling metropolis of the big city.
As the flock navigates the unfamiliar urban landscape, they encounter a host of eccentric characters and get caught up in hilarious hijinks. Along the way, they stumble upon a shady animal control officer who sets his sights on capturing Shaun and his friends. Determined to escape their new surroundings and return home to the farm, the sheep must work together to outsmart the relentless pursuer.
This heartwarming and humorous animated adventure captures the spirit of friendship and the bond between animals and humans. With its delightful animation and witty dialogue, Shaun the Sheep Movie is a joyous family film that will leave viewers young and old chuckling. Don't miss out on the flock's escapades as they navigate the challenges of the big city and strive to find their way back home.
Also Known As:
Shaun the Sheep MovieRelease Date:
05 Aug 2015Writers:
Mark Burton, Richard Starzak, Nick ParkAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 4 wins & 49 nominations total