In the 2001 film Shaolin Soccer, a young Shaolin follower reunites with his fellow discouraged brothers to create a soccer team. Utilizing their exceptional martial arts skills, the team embarks on a journey to compete against established soccer teams in the hopes of showcasing their unique talents. Through their combined efforts and teamwork, they aim to prove to the world that Shaolin Kung Fu can revolutionize the sport of soccer.
As the team faces off against various opponents, they encounter challenges and obstacles that test their resolve and unity. With determination and perseverance, they strive to overcome these hurdles and ultimately achieve their goals. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and the power of teamwork.
Shaolin Soccer is a heartwarming and action-packed film that combines elements of sports, comedy, and martial arts. With its engaging storyline and dynamic characters, the movie offers a blend of excitement, inspiration, and humor that will entertain audiences of all ages. Join the Shaolin Soccer team on their thrilling journey as they prove that anything is possible with dedication, skill, and teamwork.
Also Known As:
Shaolin SoccerRelease Date:
05 Jul 2001Writers:
Stephen Chow, Kan-Cheung Tsang, Min-Hun FungAwards:
12 wins & 19 nominations