Shadow Dancer (2012) is a gripping political thriller set in 1993, amidst the tense conflict between the IRA and the British government. The story revolves around Collette, an IRA member who is apprehended in a London tube station after leaving behind a bomb. MI-5 Agent Mac seizes this opportunity to strike a deal with Collette - if she agrees to become an informer, her son will be protected and she will receive a new identity after working for the MI-5.
As Collette embarks on her dangerous new role, Mac discovers that his superior, Kate Fletcher, is using Collette to shield her own mole within the IRA. Determined to uncover the identity of the mole and safeguard Collette, Mac finds himself caught in a web of deceit and betrayal. With tensions escalating and lives hanging in the balance, he must navigate a treacherous path to protect those he cares about.
Shadow Dancer is a suspenseful tale of loyalty, duty, and sacrifice - where secrets are currency and one misstep could have deadly consequences. Directed by James Marsh and featuring an all-star cast, including Clive Owen and Andrea Riseborough, this critically acclaimed film is a must-watch for anyone craving a thrilling and thought-provoking cinematic experience.