In the intense British crime thriller, Sexy Beast (2000), viewers are thrust into the dangerous world of gangsters and heists. When notorious gangster Don Logan enlists the help of retired safecracker Gal for a final job, tensions run high as their conflicting personalities clash. As the heist unfolds, secrets are revealed, and the duo must navigate treacherous territories to secure their survival.
With a gripping narrative and stellar performances by the cast, Sexy Beast immerses audiences into a world fraught with danger and deception. As the twisted plot unravels, viewers are left on the edge of their seats, wondering who will come out unscathed and who will ultimately pay the price for their actions.
Featuring a mix of suspense, drama, and unexpected twists, Sexy Beast is a captivating film that delves into the complexities of loyalty, greed, and the consequences of one's choices. Prepare to be captivated by the gritty underworld portrayed in this riveting crime drama.
Also Known As:
Sexy BeastRelease Date:
13 Jul 2001Writers:
Louis Mellis, David ScintoAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 21 wins & 21 nominations total