In the movie Sex Ed (2014), Eddie, a young teacher, finds himself in a unique situation when he starts his first job at an inner city middle school. To his surprise, he discovers that his students are not receiving any form of sexual education. The problem is, Eddie is not exactly experienced in matters of romance himself.
As he navigates his way through the challenges of teaching, Eddie finds himself developing feelings for the older sister of one of his students. Encouraged by this newfound connection, he decides to take matters into his own hands and deviates from the curriculum, tackling topics like menstrual cycles and sexually transmitted infections.
However, his unorthodox teaching methods soon catch the attention of the local reverend, who strongly opposes Eddie's approach. This sets off a series of events, forcing Eddie to confront his own fears and navigate the complexities of love, all while trying to do what he believes is right for his students.
Sex Ed is a heartwarming and comedic film that touches on important issues surrounding sex education in schools. It explores the struggles and triumphs of a young teacher who goes beyond the norm to educate his students about their bodies and relationships. With a touch of romance and a lot of laughter, this movie showcases the importance of open dialogue and the power of knowledge in the realm of sexual education.