Serialized (2016) is a gripping thriller that explores the blurred lines between fiction and reality. When renowned novelist Hannah Ryan is abandoned by her publisher, she channels her frustration into creating a captivating pulp crime serial. The story unfolds as new chapters are released to subscribers' devices every week. Initially, the response is lukewarm, but things take a sinister turn when a shocking murder occurs, bearing a striking resemblance to Hannah's fictional narrative.
As the line between Hannah's imagination and reality begins to blur, she questions whether the killer is merely coincidence or if a copycat is mimicking her story. Hannah must confront her darkest fears as she faces the looming possibility that the fictitious murders she has created might become a horrifying reality.
Serialized combines elements of suspense, mystery, and psychological drama to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With each chapter release, the tension escalates, leaving audiences wondering if Hannah will become the next target of this macabre game. As the release of her next installment approaches, the stakes rise, and the question remains: will the killer strike again?
Prepare to be immersed in the captivating world of Serialized, where the power of storytelling and the boundaries between fact and fiction become dangerously intertwined. Don't miss this intense and gripping thriller that will leave you guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
Best-Selling MurderRelease Date:
12 Nov 2016Writers:
Doug Barber, James PhillipsAwards:
1 nomination.