Sentinel (2024) follows three courageous heroes who are refugees on a secret base on the Moon in a post-apocalyptic world devastated by an alien invasion. Determined to save the remaining survivors of humanity, the trio embarks on a perilous time-travel mission without fully grasping the dangerous consequences that may unfold.
As they navigate through the challenges of the past and present, they uncover horrifying secrets about the invader's true intentions and the existence of a powerful entity known as the Sentinel. With time running out, they must confront their fears and make difficult choices to secure the future of humanity before it is too late.
This sci-fi thriller explores themes of sacrifice, resilience, and the unpredictable nature of time travel while keeping viewers on the edge of their seats with gripping suspense and unexpected twists. Join our heroes on their epic journey to rewrite the course of history and defy the odds in the face of overwhelming adversity.
Also Known As:
SentinelRelease Date:
22 Mar 2024Writers:
Katherine Tomlinson