See You on Venus tells the heartwarming story of an 18-year-old girl who is facing a terminal illness and yearns to uncover the identity of her biological mother in Europe. The movie revolves around the chance encounter between the protagonist and a compassionate young man who is weighed down by the guilt of a tragic accident. Moved by her desire to fulfill her final wish, the young man agrees to accompany her on the upcoming voyage.
As the duo embarks on a journey filled with emotional twists and turns, they traverse through beautiful European landscapes, encounter diverse cultures, and form a deep connection with each other. Along the way, they encounter numerous challenges and obstacles but find solace and strength in each other's company.
See You on Venus is a touching tale of love, loss, and self-discovery. It explores themes of forgiveness, acceptance, and the power of human connection. With stunning visuals and a poignant storyline, this movie takes viewers on a captivating and transformative journey.
The film serves as a reminder to cherish every moment of life, embrace the unknown, and find beauty in even the most challenging circumstances. See You on Venus invites audiences to reflect on their own lives and relationships while leaving them with a sense of hope and inspiration.
Also Known As:
See You on VenusRelease Date:
20 Jul 2023Writers:
Victoria Vinuesa