Security (2021) is a gripping winter's tale that explores the consequences of an unexpected incident that disrupts the lives of its characters, leaving them forever changed. Set against the backdrop of a tranquil neighborhood, this film delves into the fragile nature of security within our own homes and the high price we pay to protect it.
The story revolves around a group of individuals who find their lives intertwined when a shocking event shatters their sense of safety. As tensions rise and fear takes hold, the characters are forced to confront their own vulnerabilities and navigate the aftermath of the incident.
With its atmospheric setting, the film captures the eerie atmosphere of a community on edge. The actors deliver captivating performances, conveying the complexities and emotional struggles their characters face as they grapple with their shattered sense of security.
Security raises thought-provoking questions about the true cost of safeguarding our homes and loved ones. It explores themes of fear, resilience, and the lengths people are willing to go to protect what they hold dear.
This compelling tale will keep audiences on the edge of their seats, as they are drawn into a world where ordinary lives are disrupted, forever altering the trajectory of the characters' lives. Experience the gripping narrative of Security as it explores the price we pay for security in a world where fear can invade even the most seemingly peaceful communities.
Also Known As:
SecurityRelease Date:
16 Jun 2021Writers:
Stephen Amidon, Peter Chelsom, Amina Grenci