Scream Queens is a thrilling and darkly comedic television series that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This semi-anthology series revolves around a group of characters who find themselves targeted by a relentless serial killer in various settings, such as a university and a hospital.
Set on a college campus, the first season of Scream Queens introduces us to Kappa Kappa Tau, a prestigious sorority house haunted by a mysterious and murderous Red Devil. The series is filled with suspense, unexpected twists, and plenty of humor as the killer's identity remains a mystery until the very end.
The second season takes the terror to a hospital owned by the infamous Chanels, three fashion-obsessed sisters who seek to reinvent themselves in the medical field. However, they soon find themselves facing the wrath of a new serial killer, the Green Meanie, who leaves a trail of bloodshed in his wake.
Throughout both seasons, the show expertly blends horror, comedy, and mystery, offering a fresh and unique take on the slasher genre. With a star-studded cast including Emma Roberts, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Lea Michele, Scream Queens delivers a campy and thrilling viewing experience that will leave you wanting more. Don't miss out on this addictive and entertaining series.
Also Known As:
Scream QueensRelease Date:
22 Sep 2015Writers:
Ian Brennan, Brad Falchuk, Ryan MurphyAwards:
3 wins & 20 nominations