School of Rock is a heartwarming and hilarious comedy that tells the story of Dewey Finn, a failed rock musician who finds himself pretending to be a substitute teacher at a prestigious elementary school. Dewey, played by Jack Black, quickly realizes that his musically gifted students, who are all prim and over-achieving, have the potential to be an amazing rock band.
Under Dewey's eccentric guidance and infectious energy, the kids learn not only about music but also about confidence, teamwork, and following their passions. As the band rehearses for a high-stakes Battle of the Bands competition, they must overcome obstacles such as disapproving parents and a strict school principal.
The film offers a delightful blend of comedy, heart, and rock music that will leave audiences of all ages entertained and inspired. Jack Black's electrifying performance as the lovable, unconventional teacher is a standout and perfectly captures the spirit of rock 'n' roll.
School of Rock is a feel-good film that celebrates the power of music in bringing people together and encourages viewers to pursue their dreams, no matter what obstacles they may face.
Also Known As:
School of RockRelease Date:
03 Oct 2003Writers:
Mike WhiteAwards:
8 wins & 23 nominations