In Scener ur natten, the story follows a man who is hospitalized, surrounded by his wife and two daughters. The family's dynamics are thrown into disarray when the man's pregnant lover unexpectedly arrives at the hospital. Tensions rise as hidden secrets and complicated relationships come to light, testing the strength of the familial bonds.
As the drama unfolds, the characters are forced to confront their own feelings and desires, grappling with the complexities of love, loyalty, and betrayal. The emotional turmoil and conflicting emotions of the individuals involved paint a poignant and raw portrayal of human relationships.
Through a series of intimate and intense conversations, the characters navigate the turbulent waters of their past and present connections, leading to a climactic resolution that will leave viewers questioning the true nature of love and the sacrifices we make for it.
Scener ur natten is a gripping and emotionally charged drama that delves deep into the complexities of human relationships, offering a thought-provoking exploration of love, family, and the intricacies of the heart.
Also Known As:
Scenes from the NighRelease Date:
27 Jan 2018Writers:
Cilla Naumann