In the mystery thriller film Sanzaru (2020), a vulnerable home health aide is faced with a challenging situation as her employer's dementia worsens. As she cares for the elderly woman, Evelyn, the caregiver named Evelyn (played by Aina Dumlao) starts experiencing unexplained events and begins questioning her own sanity.
The film revolves around the unsettling atmosphere that slowly envelops Evelyn as she navigates through her daily responsibilities. As her employer's condition deteriorates, she begins to notice mysterious occurrences within the house, leading her to doubt her perception of reality.
Sanzaru sensitively explores the themes of mental health and the blurred line between sanity and insanity. The narrative effectively creates a sense of unease, keeping the audience guessing about the true nature of the events taking place.
Directed by Xia Magnus, the film showcases strong performances from the cast, especially Aina Dumlao in the lead role. Dumlao delivers a powerful portrayal of a caregiver grappling with her own mental stability while trying to fulfill her duties.
Sanzaru is a thought-provoking and suspenseful film that delves into the mind of its protagonist, highlighting the emotional toll of caring for someone with dementia. With its compelling storyline and impressive performances, this movie offers a captivating viewing experience for fans of psychological thrillers.
Also Known As:
SanzaruRelease Date:
16 Nov 2021Writers:
Xia MagnusAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination