In Sailor Moon Cosmos (2023), Sailor Moon and her guardian friends must confront a powerful new adversary who begins targeting their loved ones, posing a threat to everything they hold dear. As the enemy's dark intentions become clear, Sailor Moon and her allies must band together to protect the cosmos from destruction. Throughout their perilous journey, they face numerous challenges and dangerous battles that put their strength and resolve to the test. Will they manage to overcome these obstacles and thwart the enemy's plans, or will they falter in the face of overwhelming darkness?
This latest installment in the Sailor Moon franchise promises to deliver thrilling action, heartfelt moments, and a gripping storyline that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. With stunning animation, compelling characters, and a powerful message of friendship and courage, Sailor Moon Cosmos (2023) is a must-watch for fans of the iconic magical girl series. Don't miss out on this epic adventure that explores the cosmic forces that govern the universe and the power of love and hope in the face of adversity.
Also Known As:
Sailor Moon CosmosRelease Date:
22 Aug 2024Writers:
Kazuyuki Fudeyasu, Naoko Takeuchi