In the critically acclaimed film Rust and Bone (2012), Alain finds himself responsible for his young son and decides to move to Antibes to live with his sister and her husband. As they navigate their new life together as a family, a profound and unexpected connection develops between Alain and Stephanie, a trainer working with killer whales.
However, tragedy strikes when Stephanie suffers a devastating accident, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down. Despite this immense setback, Alain's bond with Stephanie continues to grow stronger as he supports her through her challenging journey of recovery. Together, they form an unbreakable partnership, finding solace and strength in each other's presence.
Directed by Jacques Audiard, Rust and Bone is a powerful and emotionally gripping drama that explores themes of resilience, love, and transformation. The film showcases the transformative power of human relationships and the underlying strength that can emerge in the face of adversity.
Featuring outstanding performances by Marion Cotillard as Stephanie and Matthias Schoenaerts as Alain, the film offers a compelling and nuanced portrayal of their complex characters. The exceptional direction, coupled with a hauntingly beautiful score, enhances the visual and emotional impact of the narrative, creating a thought-provoking and resonant viewing experience.
Rust and Bone is a must-watch film that delves into the depths of human emotion, offering a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the indomitable human spirit.
Also Known As:
Rust and BoneRelease Date:
17 May 2012Writers:
Jacques Audiard, Thomas Bidegain, Craig DavidsonAwards:
Nominated for 2 BAFTA 32 wins & 73 nominations total