In Ronggeng Kematian (2024), four young individuals find themselves in a nightmarish situation when they revisit their internship village. They come face to face with the malevolent spirit of Sulastri, a Ronggeng dancer seeking revenge on those who wronged her in the past. As Sulastri unleashes terror upon the unsuspecting youths, they are forced to confront their deepest fears and fight for survival against a force they cannot comprehend.
This gripping horror film combines elements of supernatural folklore with intense psychological thrills to create a chilling and unforgettable viewing experience. The atmospheric setting of the village adds an eerie backdrop to the unfolding terror, drawing viewers into a world where the boundaries between the living and the dead blur.
As the youths struggle to escape the wrath of Sulastri, they must unravel the mystery of her past and confront their own darkest secrets. Ronggeng Kematian (2024) is a spine-tingling tale of vengeance and redemption that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Also Known As:
Ronggeng KematianRelease Date:
28 Mar 2024Writers:
Alim Sudio, Sukhdev Singh, Arumi E.