In Rogue Hostage (2021), Kyle Snowden, a single father and former Marine, gets caught up in a terrifying situation while making a routine stop for his job in Child Protective Services. When he visits his stepfather's store, he suddenly finds himself and a group of unsuspecting customers held hostage by a group of armed criminals.
As the situation intensifies, Kyle realizes that his stepfather's store has become the target of a well-planned heist, and he must use his military skills and intelligence to protect himself and the innocent people trapped inside. With the criminals becoming increasingly violent and desperate, Kyle must find a way to outsmart them and save everyone's lives.
Rogue Hostage is a pulse-pounding action thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Starring a talented cast, including Tyrese Gibson as Kyle Snowden, the movie explores themes of bravery, survival, and sacrifice. With its high-stakes hostage situation and intense fight sequences, Rogue Hostage delivers an adrenaline-filled experience that action movie enthusiasts will thoroughly enjoy.
Directed by Jon Keeyes, the film offers gripping suspense and adrenaline-pumping action that will captivate viewers from start to finish. With strong performances, a compelling story, and thrilling set pieces, Rogue Hostage is a must-watch for fans of the genre.
Also Known As:
Rogue HostageRelease Date:
11 Jun 2021Writers:
Mickey Solis