Rocket Hunter is a thrilling war film set during World War II. The story revolves around an American B-17 pilot who bravely accepts a challenging mission to protect the people of London from the devastating V-2 rockets. In a bid to prevent further terror, he volunteers to fly a surrendered Messerschmidt 109, a German aircraft, on a daring journey through Germany.
The film takes us on an emotional and action-packed journey, depicting the lives of the pilot and his brother, who serves as his bombardier. We witness their dreams of becoming pilots from when they were teenagers, to their experiences in the dark days of January 1945.
Rocket Hunter showcases the courage and determination of these pilots, as they face countless dangers and challenges in their mission to save innocent lives. The film explores the bond between the two brothers, highlighting the sacrifices they make for each other and their cause.
This war film offers a gripping narrative that combines intense aerial battles with heartfelt human stories. It provides a unique perspective on the war, shedding light on the unsung heroes who risked their lives for the greater good.
Rocket Hunter is a must-watch for history buffs and fans of action-packed war dramas. It pays homage to the brave pilots of World War II and leaves viewers on the edge of their seats with its intense storytelling.
Also Known As:
Rocket HunterRelease Date:
01 Sep 2020Writers:
Christopher Forbes (Writer)