In the 1989 movie Robot Jox, set in the distant future, the world has evolved past global warfare and instead relies on single combat battles. Divided into two opposing superpowers, the world's conflicts are settled by specially trained champions piloting giant robots called jox. These colossal machines engage in intense fights that determine the outcome of territorial disputes.
The story centers around Achilles, a once-famed jock pilot for the Market, who is haunted by a tragic accident that resulted in the death of his opponent. After being forced out of the game, Achilles finds himself back in the cockpit when he is reluctantly called upon to defend his side against the invading Confederation.
As the action unfolds, Achilles faces formidable opponents and battles both internal and external conflicts. He not only has to confront his personal demons but also navigate the treacherous political manipulations surrounding the jock program. Alongside Achilles is Athena, a beautiful and fierce jock pilot who becomes his ally and love interest.
Robot Jox delivers thrilling fight sequences, spectacular special effects, and an engaging storyline that explores themes of redemption, courage, and the lengths humans will go to protect their ideologies.
This futuristic sci-fi film provides a visually stunning spectacle and keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as the fate of the world hangs in the balance, with Achilles and Athena leading the charge to determine the victor of this epic conflict.
Also Known As:
Robot JoxRelease Date:
21 Nov 1990Writers:
Stuart Gordon, Joe HaldemanAwards:
1 nomination