In the heart of a suburban neighborhood lies a hidden world where 11-year-old Robin and her friends, known as 'The Hoods', embark on thrilling adventures. The overgrown scrubland at the end of their cul-de-sac serves as their enchanted kingdom, where they use their imagination to escape the confines of reality. As they navigate the challenges of growing up, Robin and her friends band together to face obstacles and discover the true meaning of friendship.
In Robin and the Hoods (2024), viewers are taken on a whimsical journey filled with heartwarming moments and exciting escapades. The film follows the group's escapades as they navigate the complexities of childhood, including school bullies, family dynamics, and personal struggles. Through their shared experiences, Robin and her friends learn important life lessons and develop a strong bond that transcends their challenges.
Join Robin and 'The Hoods' on their adventures in this heartening coming-of-age tale that celebrates the power of friendship and the magic of childhood imagination.
Also Known As:
Robin and the HoodsRelease Date:
12 Sep 2024Writers:
Stuart Benson, Paul Davidson