Risen (2016) is a captivating historical drama that takes the audience back to the time of Jesus Christ. Set in 33 AD, the story revolves around a dedicated Roman Tribune in Judea who receives a crucial assignment: to track down the missing body of Jesus Christ, who is rumored to have risen from the dead.
As the Tribune embarks on his investigation, he encounters a series of unexpected and thought-provoking events that challenge his beliefs and transform his perception of the world. This captivating film explores the political and social dynamics of the time, offering a unique perspective on the historical events surrounding Jesus' resurrection.
Risen offers viewers a rich and immersive experience, blending elements of mystery and intrigue with powerful spiritual themes. The film is beautifully shot, with stunning cinematography that brings the biblical era to life. The talented cast delivers exceptional performances, bringing authenticity and depth to their characters.
Directed by Kevin Reynolds, Risen offers a fresh take on the story of Jesus' resurrection, presenting it from a different viewpoint. This unique perspective adds an intriguing twist to a well-known narrative, making it a must-watch for both fans of historical dramas and those interested in exploring religious themes onscreen.
Experience the captivating journey of a Roman Tribune on a mission to find the body of Jesus Christ in Risen – a film that will leave you captivated, deeply moved, and questioning the very essence of faith and belief.
Also Known As:
RisenRelease Date:
19 Feb 2016Writers:
Kevin Reynolds, Paul AielloAwards:
3 nominations