[Movie Title]: Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)
[Plot Summary]: Set in the gritty streets of 1980s New York, Revenge of the Green Dragons tells the captivating story of two best friends, Sonny and Steven, who find themselves entangled in the treacherous world of the Chinese underworld. As they navigate the dark landscape of crime and power, their ambition and loyalty are put to the ultimate test.
This gripping crime drama delves into the Chinese gang culture of the era, painting a vivid portrait of the brutal and unforgiving environment these characters inhabit. Through a series of thrilling and pulse-pounding events, Sonny and Steven rise through the ranks of the Green Dragons, a notorious gang that controls Chinatown with an iron fist.
Along their journey, they encounter violence, betrayal, and the constant struggle to balance their criminal lives with their personal relationships. As tensions rise within the gang and power dynamics shift, the two friends find themselves facing difficult choices that will determine their fate.
Directed by Andrew Lau and Andrew Loo, Revenge of the Green Dragons is a captivating blend of crime, action, and drama. With stunning visuals, intense performances, and a gripping narrative, this film immerses audiences in a world unlike any other. Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as Sonny and Steven's story unfolds, exploring themes of identity, loyalty, and the consequences of their choices in this thrilling crime saga.
Also Known As:
Revenge of the Green DragonsRelease Date:
11 Sep 2014Writers:
Michael Di Jiacomo, Andrew Loo, Fredric Dannen