In the highly anticipated sequel to Marrying the Mafia, titled Return of the Mafia (2012), viewers are transported to a world where the once notorious gangsters have become influential businessmen. The film takes place ten years after the events of the first installment and centers around the lives of the three J's - Jang In-jik, Jang Seok-jung, and Jang Yoo-jin.
Once feared for their use of violence and power, the J's have left their criminal past behind and established a successful architecture company. However, despite their efforts to distance themselves from their notorious legacy, trouble still manages to find them. This time, however, it is their children who bear the burden of the family's past.
As the J's navigate their new lives as respected professionals, their children face their fair share of challenges. From unexpected encounters with rival gangs to finding love in unexpected places, the younger generation finds themselves embroiled in dangerous situations. Will they follow in their parents' footsteps, resorting to violence to protect their loved ones? Or will they break free from the cycle of crime and create a new life for themselves?
Return of the Mafia is a thrilling and action-packed mafia film that explores the complexities of family, loyalty, and the lingering effects of a criminal history. Join the J's on this gripping journey as they attempt to protect their loved ones while maintaining their hard-earned reputation in the business world.