Restless is a heartwarming and emotional drama that tells the story of Annabel and Enoch, two young individuals who unexpectedly find solace and love in each other's company. Annabel is a cancer patient, coming to terms with her terminal illness as she spends her days exploring and studying nature. On the other hand, Enoch is struggling to recover from the loss of his parents and finds comfort in attending funerals with his ghostly companion, Hiroshi, who was a WWII kamikaze pilot.
As Annabel's sister tries to cope with the impending loss, a deep connection blossoms between Annabel and Enoch. Their shared experiences of grief and the fear of death bring them closer together, giving them a newfound reason to live. However, the question remains: is their love too late to be fully realized?
Restless explores themes of mortality, love, and learning to find beauty and purpose in life's fleeting moments. With its poignant storytelling and heartfelt performances, this film offers a unique and thought-provoking perspective on the human experience.
Get ready to be moved by the delicate and tender bond that forms between Annabel and Enoch, as they navigate the complexities of life and death in this moving and unforgettable drama.