Repulsion (1965) is a psychologically chilling and suspenseful film directed by Roman Polanski. This engaging thriller tells the story of Carol, a young woman who is repulsed by sex and deeply disapproves of her sister's boyfriend. As Carol's mental state deteriorates, she sinks into a terrifying depression and experiences horrifying visions of rape and violence.
In this masterpiece of psychological horror, Polanski deftly explores themes of sexual repression and the fragility of the human psyche. The film delves into the depths of Carol's unraveling mind, as her fears and anxieties become increasingly palpable. As the narrative unfolds, Repulsion presents audiences with an intense and unsettling portrayal of a woman on the verge of madness.
Through meticulously crafted visuals and a haunting score, Polanski skillfully builds a sense of unease and tension throughout the film, combining surreal elements with a realistic portrayal of Carol's descent into madness. Leading actress Catherine Deneuve delivers a mesmerizing performance, conveying Carol's repression and internal struggles with stunning nuance and power.
Repulsion is a timeless classic that continues to captivate audiences with its masterful storytelling and atmospheric cinematography. This iconic psychological thriller offers a profound and deeply disturbing exploration of the human psyche, making it essential viewing for fans of psychological horror.
Also Known As:
RepulsionRelease Date:
03 Oct 1965Writers:
Roman Polanski, Gérard Brach, David StoneAwards:
Nominated for 1 BAFTA Film Award2 wins & 4 nominations total