Renegades (2022) is a gripping action film that follows a group of retired Special Air Service (SAS) veterans as they seek revenge for the murder of one of their own by an international drug gang in London. Fueled by their loyalty and brotherhood, these highly skilled individuals unleash their unique set of skills to bring justice to the streets they once protected.
The retired Green Beret soldier's brutal murder becomes a catalyst for the four SAS comrades to come together and take matters into their own hands. As they navigate the intricate webs of corruption and criminal networks, the group embarks on a dangerous journey marred with intense encounters and adrenaline-fueled chase sequences.
Renegades offers audiences a compelling portrayal of these battle-hardened veterans, showcasing their unwavering determination and resourcefulness. The film's tension builds as the group unearths shocking revelations about the extent of the drug gang's operation and the corruption that runs deep within the city.
With stunning visuals and heart-pounding action sequences, Renegades promises an exhilarating cinematic experience. Viewers will be taken on a rollercoaster ride through the gritty underworld of London as these renegades work outside the boundaries of the law, fighting for justice and redemption.
Renegades is a testament to the power of camaraderie and the unstoppable spirit of those who refuse to accept injustice.
Also Known As:
RenegadesRelease Date:
01 Oct 2022Writers:
Tom Jolliffe, Jonathan Sothcott