Red Dwarf is an iconic science fiction comedy series that follows the extraordinary adventures of the last human in existence, Dave Lister, and his eclectic group of friends aboard the mining ship Red Dwarf. Transported three million years into deep space due to a catastrophic accident, Lister finds himself as the only survivor, accompanied only by an eccentric hologram of his deceased bunkmate, Arnold Rimmer, and a humanoid feline creature called Cat, who evolved from a pregnant cat onboard the ship.
The show delves into the everyday struggles of this unlikely crew as they navigate through their bizarre and often absurd encounters in the vast emptiness of space. Lister, whose main goal is to return to Earth and find his one true love, encounters various challenges and obstacles along the way, including hostile aliens, malfunctioning technology, and even encountering versions of themselves from an alternate dimension.
With a witty and sharp script, Red Dwarf seamlessly combines science fiction tropes with humor to create its unique blend of entertainment. The characters, each distinct in their quirks and personalities, form an unlikely bond as they grapple with their isolation and face the unexpected hurdles that come their way. Full of dry British humor and brilliant comedic timing, Red Dwarf has become a beloved cult classic, captivating viewers with its clever storytelling and hilarious situations.
Also Known As:
Red DwarfRelease Date:
29 Mar 1989Writers:
Rob Grant, Doug NaylorAwards:
6 wins & 6 nominations