Rebirth (2016) is a gripping psychological thriller that portrays the unsettling journey of Kyle, a seemingly average family man, as he embarks on a weekend retreat organized by an unconventional self-help program called Rebirth. The film takes audiences on a rollercoaster ride as they witness Kyle's seemingly innocent quest for self-discovery quickly spiral into a nightmarish experience with no way out.
The plot revolves around Kyle attending the Rebirth program, which promises to push individuals out of their comfort zones and unlock their true potential. However, what starts as a harmless experiment soon takes a sinister turn, as Kyle finds himself caught in a web of mind games and manipulation. As the retreat intensifies, Kyle becomes increasingly isolated and must confront his deepest fears to survive.
With its thought-provoking narrative and intense performances, Rebirth delves into themes of identity, control, and the dark side of self-help culture. The film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, delivering unexpected twists and turns, and ultimately questioning the boundaries between reality and perception.
Rebirth offers a thrilling and unsettling experience for those seeking a mesmerizing psychological thriller. Prepare to be captivated and unsettled as you witness Kyle's descent into a nightmarish world from which escape seems impossible.
Also Known As:
RebirthRelease Date:
15 Jul 2016Writers:
Karl Mueller