Realms is a supernatural horror film set in Bangkok, Thailand. The story follows two American bank robbers and their three local hostages who find themselves taking refuge in a secluded mansion after a high-speed police chase ends in a crash. Little do they know, they have entered a house full of dark secrets and malevolent forces.
As the criminals strategize their next move and the hostages desperately seek a way out, they soon come to the chilling realization that the mansion is haunted by an unimaginable evil. As tension rises and fear consumes them, no one can escape the haunting presence lurking within the walls.
Realms offers a thrilling and suspenseful ride as the characters navigate their way through this terrifying ordeal. With each passing moment, the danger intensifies and the supernatural horrors become increasingly menacing. Will anyone make it out alive? Or are they all doomed to fall victim to the malevolence that resides within the house?
This supernatural horror film will leave audiences on the edge of their seats, as they uncover the dark secrets of the mansion and witness the terrifying consequences that unfold. With its atmospheric setting and compelling storyline, Realms is a must-watch for horror enthusiasts who enjoy a good scare.