Raymond Did It is a gripping psychological horror film that centers around Raymond Rourke, a mentally challenged young man who becomes the victim of a heart-wrenching tragedy. Blamed and framed by a group of kids for the accidental death of his younger brother Bryce, Raymond is sent to a state mental hospital where he endures years of isolation and anguish.
Driven by an insatiable thirst for revenge, Raymond escapes from the hospital and embarks on a mission to bring justice to those who orchestrated his brother's demise. His meticulously planned revenge sends shockwaves through the small town, leaving a trail of bloodshed and terror in his wake.
With a compelling storyline that combines elements of suspense, horror, and tragedy, Raymond Did It explores the dark and twisted mind of its protagonist as he navigates his way through a world filled with deception and despair. As the mystery unravels, viewers will be on the edge of their seats, anticipating the next chilling twist.
Led by solid performances from an ensemble cast, Raymond Did It is a haunting tale that delves into themes of betrayal, loss, and the destructive power of revenge. Captivating and thought-provoking, this film will leave audiences questioning the boundaries between sanity and madness.