In Råttornas hämnd (1976), Morgan and his friends embark on a hunting trip to a secluded Canadian island. Their peaceful adventure takes a terrifying turn when a swarm of giant wasps attacks them, leaving them desperate for help. Seeking refuge, Morgan stumbles upon a barn housing a colossal killer chicken. Intrigued, they continue their exploration and soon realize that the entire island is teeming with oversized animals.
However, the biggest threat comes from the rats, who have organized themselves to battle against the invading humans. As Morgan and his friends fight for survival, they must outsmart and overcome these deadly rodents, who have become a force to be reckoned with.
Råttornas hämnd is a gripping and suspenseful creature feature that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. This 1976 film combines elements of horror and adventure as the characters face a relentless onslaught from giant wasps, a monstrous chicken, and an army of rats. With stunning visuals and a nail-biting storyline, this movie delivers intense thrills and shocks at every turn.
Prepare to be captivated and terrified by Råttornas hämnd, an unforgettable journey into a world where animals have grown to monstrous proportions and the battle for survival becomes a fight for their lives.