In the gripping thriller Ransom (1996), Tom Mullen, a self-made millionaire, finds his world turned upside down when his beloved son is kidnapped. Desperate to ensure his son's safe return, Mullen contemplates paying the hefty ransom demanded. However, instead of simply cooperating, he strategizes a daring plan.
Mullen reaches out to the FBI, who devises an elaborate scheme to infiltrate his own home without the knowledge of the kidnappers. But when the critical moment arrives to make the ransom drop, an unexpected twist throws everything into disarray.
Refusing to submit to the kidnapper's demands, Mullen takes matters into his own hands and publicly announces on television that the money intended for the ransom will now be offered as a substantial bounty on the kidnapper's head. This risky move transforms the desperate race against time into a high-stakes manhunt.
As tension escalates, Mullen's decision to take control and turn the tables on those who have threatened his family showcases both his determination and willingness to go to great lengths to protect his loved ones. Ransom is a heart-pounding thriller that explores the lengths one man will go to save his son, questioning how far any individual would go when facing impossible choices and a love that knows no bounds.