Raising Hope follows the story of Jimmy, a young man who unexpectedly becomes a single parent to an infant after a one-night stand with a woman who ends up on Death Row. Alongside his quirky family, including his offbeat parents and eccentric grandmother, Jimmy navigates the challenges of parenthood and tries to provide a good life for his daughter, Hope. The series is a heartwarming blend of humor and heartfelt moments as Jimmy and his family band together to raise Hope in unconventional ways. With a cast of loveable characters and wacky situations, Raising Hope explores the themes of family, love, and resilience in the face of adversity. Viewers will be taken on a journey filled with laughter, tears, and a lot of heart as they watch Jimmy and his family grow together while facing the ups and downs of life. Experience the joy and chaos of parenthood in this touching and hilarious series that will leave you rooting for Jimmy and Hope every step of the way.
Also Known As:
Raising HopeRelease Date:
01 Sep 2010Writers:
Gregory Thomas GarciaAwards:
Nominated for 3 Primetime Emmys. 5 wins & 24 nominations total